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Garbage Bags and their Types Offered by ANS Plastics Discussed in Detail

Garbage bags are the disposable bags used for carrying solid waste. There is no doubt that garbage bags are one of the most essential utilities of our daily life. They are also known as trash bags, refuse sacks, etc. The prime purpose of these bags is to carry solid waste materials like papers, dust, broken objects, etc. These bags come in various sizes, types and garbage carrying capacity, and different materials. However, the quality and other parameters of the garbage bags define the efficiency and convenience of the use of these bags. That is why it is essential to use a suitable type and quality of garbage bags. ANS Plastics is one of the trusted manufacturers of garbage bags. They offer different types of garbage bags. This post not only introduces you to the types of garbage bags manufactured by ANS Plastics but also offers insights on these bags on a large scale.

An Overview of Garbage Bags

As the name says, the garbage bags are the sacks for carrying dry garbage. These are disposable bags that are usually disposed of with garbage. These bags are widely used for cleaning and sanitization purposes. Plastic is a common material used for manufacturing garbage bags. LDPE, HDPE, biodegradable plastic, etc are common material choices for manufacturing these bags. Today, it is common to find these plastic garbage bags at homes, offices, and all types of workplaces including manufacturing facilities, packaging facilities, and so on. Although largely used for collecting waste, there are many ways they can be used. Let us discuss where these garbage bags can be potentially used.

Scope of Utility of Garbage Bags

The following are a few applications where garbage bags are widely used for waste management.

  • In homes, they are used for collecting utility wastes like household scrap, garage scrap, newspaper scraps, vegetable and fruit wastes, and leftover food waste.
  • In foodservice facilities like restaurants or hotels, the garbage bags are used for collecting leftover food, food packages, etc. This helps in keeping food facilities free from garbage odor and also declutters the leftover food mess.
  • These garbage bags can be used as trash cans if hung on. They can be hung along the roadsides so that streetwalkers can through unwanted things in it. This is more helpful than trash cans. The trashcans are hard to carry where the trash bags can be easily picked and disposed of.
  • In the medical facilities, the garbage bags are used for instant disposal of medical waste. Since medical waste has chemicals, it can be harmful to personnel in the vicinity, therefore, plastic garbage bags are used for touch-free disposal.

There are even more ways you can use them to dispose of waste safely. As you have been already introduced to one of the trusted manufacturers of this bag at the start of the post, it is important to know the types of bags offered by them. The next section discusses it in detail.

Types of Garbage Bags available at ANS Plastics

At ANS Plastic, you can find the following types of garbage bags.

  • Contractor Bags: The contractor bags are specially manufactured for heavy garbage collection activities. These bags are tough enough to carry a heavy load of garbage from construction sites, commercial stores, etc. They are designed for 42 gallons of garbage collection at one time.
  • LDPE/HDPE Garbage Bags- Tuff Bags: Tuff garbage bags are made of low-density polyethylene or high-density polyethylene. These bags are made with resilient plastic therefore they are waterproof and have a good load-carrying capacity. These bags come in a range of garbage collection capacities like 8 to 10 gal, 20 to 30 gal, 33 gals, 40 to 45 gal, 46 gallon garbage bags, 55 gallon garbage bags, 56 to 65 gallon garbage bags, etc. Owing to their diverse capacities, the buyer can easily choose suitable garbage bags according to applications.

In addition to these garbage bags, ANS Plastics also offers various types of utility plastic bags such as produce bags, plain bags, die-cut bags, T-shirt bags, bio bags, and so on. The company provides these bags in custom specifications to meet your application requirements.